It was equipped with a six-cylinder engine and hydraulic brakes. In 1927, a Senior Six car rolled off the assembly line. After some time, the car brand was bought by several banks, which for this purpose were united in a At the same time, production increased to 200 thousand cars per year. The actual owners of it were the widows of the Dodge brothers, but they were clumsily doing business, as a result of which the company became The Dodge enterprise was actively developing and by the 20th year of the 20th century took 2nd position in terms of production volumes.

The first symbol indicated the Jewish origin of the brothers. The brand name of the company was a six-pointed star with the image of the globe inside. Until the end of 1914, 249 of these cars were The business of the enterprise was successful and already in 1914 the brothers presented a car of their own design. Powertrains, transmissions and other components for machines. Some sources claim that the Dodge brothers began their business with a small store selling car parts that were made at the brothers' factory. Such a start was typical of many well-known automotive brands. Other sources date the company's founding in 1900.

According to official data, the basis for the Dodge automobile brand was a bicycle manufacturing company founded by the Dodge brothers John and Horatius in 1899.